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Customer Trips and Ideas for Using SpotSyt™
The Possibilities Are Unlimited!
SpotSyt makes it easy to send creative, interactive experiences to your audience and customers. It takes them on a trip to your destination – whether to make a purchase, subscribe, connect, visit your website, or another response you choose. We’ll do it together so you can spend more time on what you do best. 
EVERY business needs to keep and attract more customers. Here are a few ideas to show how we can help:
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Warm and Friendly Introduction

SpotSyts make a great first impression and stand out from the competition for sales reps, real estate, and service professionals.


Connect With Your New Customer

Reach out to your new customers with a thank you message and reason to stay connected. Loyalty goes both ways and begins here.

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For Loyal and VIP Customers

Give your best customers a reason to say, “I love this company!” They’re the foundation of your success. Show them you care.

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For New Products and Previews

Build interest, advance sales, a waiting list and more for what's new and happening in your business. 

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New Style Magazine
or Newsletter

Deliver your news or publication in an all-new, interactive way. Instead of just an email or PDF, add audio, video and more.


Backstage Pass With Special Access

Musicians, writers, artists and filmmakers - create an entirely new experience for your fans + find more too. Show and tell us!


An Unexpected Offer or Gift

When was the last time a business surprised you with an unexpected reward? It rarely happens. An advantage for you that customers will love!

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Popup Experience Invitation

Build interest and a following by creating unique, limited time ways to buy from you or experience your products. An event, pickup box, concert…

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Education, Instructions or Help

Teach a class, show how to assemble and maintain your products, deliver helpful advice - or another great idea your audience wants and/or needs.

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Better Third-Party Platform Selling

Don’t be limited by what the platform you’re selling on lets you display. Create your own unique, custom-branded "store within their store."

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New Ways to Use Your Products

If you show more ways to use your products, you can sell more of them – and increase loyalty. You’re the expert on what you sell. Teach us more!

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A Fully Custom, 100% Unique Experience!

Great companies continually invent new ways to stay relevant and stand out. Let’s talk about ideas for your business!